Series of Work
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Crushed Cans
I started a local charity called The 'Can Collect' Project where cans are collected and the money from the scrap goes to Charity. With the influence of Urban and Pop Art I started experimenting with crushed cans from this with Metallic and spray paint to create an ongoing range of work using well know beverage brands presented in newly sprayed frames.
Initially using gloss paint I experimented with the union flag to give my own interpretation of the design and colours allowing it to flow using my very own technique. This developed out using metallic paint and using the same personal technique to produce other nations flags in an abstract format.
40 years of Punk
One of my favourite series having been around in the seventies and seeing the development of punk from glam rock and the huge affect it had on me and my peers. Being able to see these great bands live it was a fitting tribute to create a series of work to celebrate 40 years of work based on my favourite bands. The PUNK following lives on!
The series was initially based on the aerial views of our landscape with all its varies colour and texture My love of colour and the flow of paint was fitting to produce these works of our land and sea and weather fronts that hugely affect what we see. I still occasionally add to this series.